Problem with Firebase Authentication Phone Sign In

I created a basic login screen for my staff members, wherein I authorized only 4-5 phone numbers to be able to sign in through Firebase Authentication using their number.

Here are the blocks:

blocks (17)

blocks (18)

Now, as you can see that I have authorized “8077677414” to sign in through Firebase Auth, but it still shows me the notifier of the "When Firebase Authentication Login Failed block saying “The entered OTP is not correct. Do you want to try again?”

If I add this number to “Phone numbers for testing” as I have done below, then it is working fine.

It was working fine earlier, but what is the issue now, I am unable to understand…

Try changing this to a number block.

but it was working fine earlier

Did you change anything after it was working fine ?
Edit 1 - Also your Sign in method should be Phone number-

Edit 2 - See if your users are getting added at Authentication > Users

It is enabled (Phone Number Sign In)
I am getting authenticated users if I have set the number in “Phone numbers for testing” otherwise not

Can you share the aia or the APK to try it?

May I PM you?

Sure you can :wink: