Problem with FTP upload multiple files

I have a problem with the FTP component of Kodular, it seems that Upload Done is being invoked even if the file has not been completely uploaded and goes to the next and then to the next instructions, which unfortunately means that the images are not all uploaded because the process is concluded before the upload is finished, can anyone tell me how to get around it?

Try to upliad the images one by one… when the first is uploaded, then upload the second… when the second is uploaded then upload the third etc …

For a possible algorithm see here App Inventor Tutorials and Examples: Webprefetch File by File | Pura Vida Apps


It would not work the same because I understand (because in the documentation it is not explained) that “FTP1.Upload Done” is not invoked when the upload is completed but after the upload command has been executed, it does not bother to check if the upload ended to trigger “FTP1.Upload Done”, so I did it this way and it works fine

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