Hello, I know This is #off-topic yet Very Necessary to Discuss, The Problem With the community & its mentality :
People Don’t Ask Their Questions Correctly Ending up Waiting Months for a Solution: People Don’t Ask Their Questions in the Right Manner. They Only Post Limited Information which provides little/no Help in understanding the issue. The Right manner to ask a question has been given and should be pinned on the community home page. Further, People must not hesitate to share their relevant blocks/ AIA. No one will Copy your ideas if you are capable enough.
People don’t Try First & expect spoonfeeds/Blocks: A Few Koders here never try to help themselves. They wait until someone posts Blocks to Guide them. People must understand that everyone is not so much free that they can make blocks and post for you. It takes time sometimes. The right method to approach a Solution is First to try it by Yourself, Explore YouTube/Docs/Guides for the Relevant blocks and still if you are not getting it right post what you tried as a reply and seek help/inputs.
People Underestimate Drag & Drop [Low Code] Code Platforms: People Think that Drag & Drop is an easy thing to do and it’s just a game. People should know it takes great logic & patience to create apps on drag and drop too. We create our methods to make something new & crazy. It’s not a Child’s play. People Here Earn a Handsome amount from Ads/App Developement Freelance & Other Monetisation methods
Stop Pointing Out Staff & Cooperate with the Community: Recently, The Entire community is just pointing and criticising the staff Continuously. I know that they are not able to serve us the things they promised but we must Also see their POV ( Point of View). As Said they are Underpaid & low on staff & funds. They require your time & constant support and motivation to give the best they can. I know and completely understand that important services & apps are on the verge of 0 functionality but we must not lose hope & just leave the platform that has given us so much in hard times & migrate to other platforms. Just Cheer them up & motivate them it will make the work faster.
Conclusion: Learn, Try and believe in yourself and everyone in the community. I know it may sound Rude to some people but it had to be Explained & I think It will make us stronger. Look at this message as a Positive Suggestion rather than a Negative Comment and Work on Yourself to make Better Things
Thank You