If I hit space in Notice message text-box, the the same problem that was mentioned in my previous reply occurs
Short video clip explaining what is happening now
Also the keyboard still doesn’t hide even after the Notice message dialogue is dismissed
Generally for minutes section ‘00’ appears after ‘59’. But in your case after ‘59’ there is ‘60’ and after that there is ‘00’. Screen-recording
This is actually a suggestion. If you want to limit the user from entering more than 40 characters in Notice message, then limit in such a way that after 40 characters user will not be able to enter the text.
Currently there is alert for 40 characters coming when the count exceeds but even though user can enter more than that and then after when he/she presses the Set Notice button then you are displaying the error toast and making the message blank.
Also after the error when I reopened the Notice message dialogue the error alert symbol was still there without any reason. Screen-recording
Never use ABSOLUTE positioning when using a canvas if your app will be published. Don’t settle for your app looking good in your device. There’s all kinds of screens out there with a lot of different resolutions and sizes. Your device is just one of them.
If you do a little centering procedure, as simple as returning the value of Canvas.width / 2, then you have the vertical center of your canvas IN ANY device your app may be installed.
Do the same for horizontal center with Canvas.Height / 2.