Protect our urls

How to do it

I say “Only for user app”.
You can created app (like administrator) to encrypt and upload the files to the server.

In other words you have to create two apps, one for the user (download or get content and decrypt) and one for the administrator (encrypt and upload file)

Read post #6

Ok thanks alot

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It is a pleasure for me to have been able to help you.
We talk soon, greetings.

Is possible to encrypt php script and decrypt it wen got text on web component?

Yes of course.
Again: I suggest you create a new project to understand how it works. Then you can implement it in your main project.

I want to hide the web url from https debugging apps. Thats all. Is obstructed text block hide from it?

Not at all. An expert could get the content, but not just anyone. Advanced knowledge is required

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