this time anyone make app and publish to google store and get approved?
I do a lot but they don’t browse any apps
Most of them have been in review for quite some time
or suspend or die the developer account
I wonder if they are restricting the apps uploaded from kodular
May be the issue is in your app, new app takes longer time like a week to get live on play store whereas the updates get live within few hours or sometimes few days…
If your apps are getting suspended or you’re getting termination then there’s seriously something wrong in your apps.
I used to do it before and the application is approved regularly and without any serious errors
10 apps will get 7-8 apps approved
but in the last 1 month 30 of my apps can’t be browsed even the simplest one
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What sort of apps have you made that have not yet been approved?
Check your email and check why the app wasn’t approved. If you still don’t understand post the email received here and post your apk too.
Anyway, if you posted 30 apps and none of them were aproved my guess is that the problem is not with the apps but with the forms that your are fulfilling wrong. Specially the privacy questions are being very problematic if you don’t pay atention
I am in the same situation, usually my apps are approved in 24/48 hours but now they have been in review for 1 week
Depending on the case, may be you can follow this same idea that I use sometimes.
I publish a generic app with a generic package like and when I have to publish a new app and I am in a hurry I update this generic app with new name and screenshots. When apps are updated they are always aproved a lot faster, so I do it sometimes.
Not sure if I explained myself well
Yes, I used the same methodology for a while, but since lately they were approved in 24 hours, I stopped doing it
Thanks everyone for the helpful advice
I’ll check it again
Was anyone able to upload or update apps on Google Play this week? do you know of any problem? I have been waiting for a review of new apps and updates for over a week.
i’m from vietnam, update is okay, just about 4 - 8 hours.