QR Code Scanner From File

I need to take some label’s photo which contains product details with qr code. I need to match details with qr code to cross verification. so I need to take image and then need to scan.

Do it does not work for local variables, only global variables… read again the guides about how to use Do it…


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Now I modified the code and set image to portrait, Still same issue

Try this one
com.sunny.qr.aix (733.7 KB)

It should work without need of rotating image.


Camera issue still not resolved.
What to do for camera issue?

I don’t understand what you are talking about.

If i use camera component for taking picture it is giving “Error 201 camera not return image”.

if I use CameraIntent Extension, Activity is not completing. it is stopping at picture accepting page.

No issue for me.

in companion its working, But in apk its not working.

If possible share me the Blocks

Thank You

I have tested in apk.