QR Code Scanner From File

I have to take photo, then photo need to be scanned for qr code. then both photo and decoded qr results should be share in whatsapp. Photo need not to be saved in mobile memory.

But in code showing error that “Error 201 camera not return image”.

Plz help me to make this happen.

This is a known bug of Camera component. It doesn’t return image.

now what can i do for resolve this issue

You can try this extension:

Image showing issue resolved. Now While sharing to WhatsApp it is showing as " file format not supported "

Any Solution Plz…,

And QR code also not scanning from taken image, need to scan separately.

I forgot the code but I assume that it saves image in ASD. You’ll have to copy it to Pictures or another shared folder to let WhatsApp access it.

issue resolved. used other aix for sharing in whatsapp.
Now help me in this - Photo need not to be saved in mobile memory. plz …

If the captured image is storing in ASD then it will not be visible in Gallery or phone storage.

In APK File Showing an error as "Error 908 : The permission Write_External_Storage has been denied. Please enable it in the settings app "

In Companion worked well.
What to do now ?

Try to add a file component into your project without necessarily using it to get the required permissions in the manifest


if i don’t want to save photo also is it required?
plz help me. I just need to take photo and scan for qr code and then share to whatsapp. no need to save in gallery.

Why did you use Barcode Scanner component?

Actually i could not scan image so tried using that…

Plz help me - how to take pic and scan it without saving image in gallery?

I tried using manifest permission. that alarm disappeared but camera not accepting photo.

Remove that and don’t ask for write permission.

Still issue not resolved.

App is stopping in this page (screen shot attached ), but still image is saved in gallery.

I am still not understanding that you want to scan barcode from camera or file.

I need to scan from photo which is captured by camera. both qr code and photo need to share in whatsapp then.
but that did not happen so I tried like this.

if you have ay idea plz help me

Result Required :

Don’t use Barcode Scanner component and stick with the blocks you posted in first post.
In that, replace camera component blocks with the extension I linked to.

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Change as per your guideline

Results :

Barcode Results not found exception.

Still same issue camera not accepting photo in apk.

plz help me…