I tried the following code in Thunkable together with the QR extension and it works. I wanted to make my first app in Makeroid as an example to add with my tutorial.
The code bellow in Makeroid gives alwas the error “Did you enter a text?”
@Mika, any idea why this happens in Makeroid. And yes, there is a text in the Textbox.
Yes but i think you find a picture on my blog how to use them.
Or try one other thing:
Load the aia in thunkable from my example and make a screenshot how thw blocks work and then create the blocks in makeroid.
Thanks. The only thing i saw was an error message when i imported the aia in Thunkable. It was something about a form 27 which should have been 20 or something.
There is a bug in the extension. I can confirm that.
But dont worry…
The extension will be in the coming update a default component for makeroid as updated version
I know what i did wrong. I thought that there should be an error if i have a empty textbox. But it doesn’t work that way. You get an error if the server can’t be found. I tested it with my own program and it works, you have indeed fixed the component.