Quantum Concept

Quantum Concept Topic
Quantum is an Android Application that provides select persons to write news articles. Where this information may be saved by the user, propose edits to the article, or report it as a "false claim" whereas sufficient evidence may be required to move forth with the action. Authors may earn reputation, this can be removed or "ruined" by posts being taken down or from being reported a minimum of one time by 3 unique readers. By improving your reputation, news articles can be recommended to nearby readers and eventually everyone. Quantum will also proceed with a website to provide readers with the best possible experience wherever they may be located with an interface similarly close by-design to the mobile application.


  • To be enrolled in production builds, you must…

    • Have Android 5 Lollipop or higher; With Android 10, I’m staying at least 5 Android versions behind for the minimum depending on how many have adopted it (at least 3% one year after launch). With Android 11, this will be Android 6 Marshmallow
  • To become a select persons to write news articles, you must…

    • Agree to the ToS by the first day after registering
    • Be active for 3 days after registering
    • Follow 1 topic; Examples are, Politics, Romance, Food, or Earth (yes, Earth)
    • Read 9 articles; 30 seconds minimum for each
  • To get your account suspended, you must…

    • Have 3 articles reported at least once by 3 unique users; This is not a system action, so you will only be suspended if you are believed to have done something wrong
    • Have 3 comments reported at least once by 2 unique users; This is not a system action, so you will only be suspended if you are believed to have done something wrong
    • Log in to your account from another device that has not been linked to your account; This is a system action, before you’re suspended, a log of your account will be saved and looked into later to be sure it wasn’t false.
    • Other reasons unable to be determined; This is a system action, before you’re suspended, a log of your account will be saved and looked into later to be sure it wasn’t false.

More will be added to this section as suggestions are given. In the first example, there are no articles, just the home screen.


beautiful ui

u can add a feature: “Liked Articles”

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How do I install it?

A design concept is the idea behind a design. Quantum itself will come in a few months, but it’s not done yet as this is just what I’m planning it out to be :slightly_smiling_face:

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And could you give AIA your Quantum menu? :grin:

Why do you need aia? It’s a vertical arrangement with 5 cardview inside. Play with the colors and the fonts and you got your menu.


Quantum concept will be based on which database

I know, but I can’t say. The question will never be answer :upside_down_face:

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