Hello experts,
I have installed my own Redis database on my RaspberryPi and connected the database via the CloudDb component.
It works great!
My questions:
- A Redis instance has 16 databases (0-15)
With the settings “Server” and “Port” of the CloudDB component I always end up on database 0. In some publications I have seen that you can specify the database using the port: e.g. 6379/2.
But I cannot specify this in the CloudDB component.
Is there a way for Kodular to access the various databases of a Redis instance?
- Redis offers the key type: Sorted sets
I understood that Redis automatically sorts the lists (players / points) here. You can use this as a great key for high scores?
Is there a way for Kodular to use this key type?
- There is also the List key type.
What is the difference if I save a list as a Value or use the KeyType List?
Can I even use the key type list via Kodular?