Re: How to get JSON data from an Api

are you sure??

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ya… i am sure

then try what @dora_paz mentioned

its returning this error

hmm idk what is it

WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY IDK I didn’t get it,

No need to shout ! Please it is not polite to use Caps in community. It means that he doesn’t know . Try to change global variable to create empty list


why it is not working for you it worked for me

result -

Thanks…it worked but actually that was too basic for me and i want to create something like this:

then instead of screen initialize put it in when button clicked

i want things to be like this:

your question was to get data from json now you are asking how to make dynamic components

No…basically i want that and i have included the link to the GUIDE(Guide: How to get JSON data from an Api using dictionaries (and show it on a dynamic cardview))

ok good your topic said how to get data from json so whichever post solved your question mark it as solved and make new topic on how to create dynamic components

I am really sorry that the title made you a misunderstanding

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i marked the SOLUTION…now can u plz help me with my main intention

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make new topic and we will help in that

sure…doing that

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