Reading Data from External Bluetooth Barcode Scanner

Hello Koders!

I am trying to read data from an external bluetooth barcode scanner to an input in my application.
The user will type in first some information using the keyboard, in the last input, user is required to scan a barcode using an “External Barcode Scanner”, and the data will be typed automatically in the last input after reading it successfully.

I’ve worked on many other apps using Kodular, so I have an intermediate knowledge on all components except Bluethoot, I’m still doing some research, I’ll appreciate any help, ideas or code blocks that can help.


You will need to use Bluetooth components to send/receive data to/from your extenal barcode scanner.

Tagging @Sander because he has more knowledge on using Bluetooth components.

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Thanks for commenting, I guess that’s what I’m looking for too.
Waiting for @Sander 's comment.