Real-time results in Edit and Delete

I already have the delete and update and it’s already functional. I am here to ask how to get the result in real-time. These are the blocks for my edit and delete function.

After the screen closes, it will be directed to this block.
I can get the right result but I still have to refresh the screen for the result to be updated.

Please really need help

I don’t quite understand the idea but I suppose that from another screen you delete records, and go back to the previous one.
Maybe this will help you


Yes, you are right. What should I put inside the procedure?

You can use a clock, for example we set clock timer to 10 seconds. When the clock timer completes, run the procedures to fetch the the latest data.

Now screen data will be refreshed every 10 seconds.

everything you have in screen.initialize

Is this right?

If you only need to update the list after each deletion or update, what is the need to query the data every 10 seconds? It would be an unnecessary consumption of resources and data.

I don’t know where your Call.close goes.
Read the answers again and try to understand, do not create blocks just to create


I copy the blocks you posted but upon closing the screen an error will show. The delete block is alright. In edit, after closing the screen, and the home screen initializes the error will come out

Here is the error

Well, the initial problem you raised is now solved.
Now what happens is regarding the dynamic elements, when you refresh the data the entire procedure is repeated and tries to recreate them on the IDs that already exist, you must first eliminate all the dynamic components

Maybe another solution is to call the delete screen, close the current one and after continuing with editing/deleting call it again, that should work.


I’m a bit confused. I tried the other solution you thought me.

Here is the home screen but still there is still an error.

use the block in both the Home.screen and Edit_screen and remove the one suggested above.

If you have to pass data between the screens use this

remove the block Other.Screen.Closed

Blocks for Edit Screen

and Home Screen

Am I doing the right thing?

Need another answer from anyone. Thank you

Still figuring out how can I achieved the real-time results after I close the screen

Badly need help. The problem I have is still unresolved

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