Recast • Make your old extensions compatible with Kodular Fenix

Yes, it is, but when you open it, this appears

Please make sure you’re on a 64-bit Windows. 32-bit isn’t supported.

Hello @Shreyash is it okay to use deep host extensions in my application because it is showing me some errors and i think that i need to recast it and i am a small boy of just 14yrs and i am not familiar with Java if you can recast extension for me then i will be thankful to you or else can you give me the link of the website from where i can download Java
please help me

Manan Sharma

You don’t have to do anything in Java for recasting the extensions. You just need to install JDK in your system. And rest of all with command

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thank you @iamwsumit can you please provide me with the link from where i can download Java JDK. Please because you are professional and you can provide me with the accurate link and it is possible that if i will start searching for it then i may install malicious software in my system.


Here is link to a full guide :heavy_heart_exclamation::heavy_heart_exclamation::heavy_heart_exclamation: @Horizon


Hi, am stuck at the recast command line. i have already generated the .exe file. what should i do next?

Next, read the usage instructions mentioned in the first post:


I can see how the Kodular community is transitioning into advance developers :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Good work for Recast :+1:

I am getting this error after trying to update my project.

Your AIA seems to contain yet another project’s AIA inside it. You can fix this issue by deleting the another project’s files from your AIA. To do that, following the below steps:

  1. Unzip your AIA.
  2. Go to assets/external_comps directory.
  3. Delete the following directories from assets/external_comps
  • assets
  • src
  • youngandroidproject
  1. Zip everything again, and rename the .zip file extension to .aia.
  2. Now you’re all set to recast your AIA.

Did not fix the app crash
But thank you for the help

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This is a best guide thank you @Shreyash I will try this guide

hi why recast not supporting macbook M1

You can use Recast on M1 Macs using Rosetta.

Tried but not working dear recast input is not taking installation was successful

java jdk installed
java jre installed
powershell updated
this error occured

Run echo $env:PATH in PowerShell and paste the output here.

Why its not working in m1 and rosetta