Relative View Extension | Overlap Like a Pro | Complex UIs made simple in Kodular

[Feature request]

A remove component block, to allow for programmatic removal (developer would also have to handle visibility / placement / etc. of said components.


I tested is for the left or right X axis or Horizontal Axis

I already understood and thanked the creator of the extension


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Create ui like this


Dear developer,

Kindly pay attention her
When i import your extension in my project before 27 april its work perfectly fine,
But now kodular show me compiling error
Im try after 1 hr also giving me same error then
Im delete relative layout extension then kodular perfectly compile my project

Thats why im asking you kindly check this issue

Servers are going on and off today since devs are working in fixing issues related latest 1.5.4 update. I would suggest to wait and after that fix you might say that extension is causing problem or not


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facing same issue

but for me after deleting this extension still blocks area not loading properly

@Devta_Bansal you mentioned your problem in more than one topic. Most probaby your project got corrupted

i dont know how can it be corrupted automatically after kodular update

also now what is the solution

how can i check which blocks are causing problem because blocks screen is blank now

If you wish pm me your aia to check it

i had sent

I have a simple method for same result

I think there’s a bug in the extension, when I use the addview block and overlap a component to an arrangement whose width is set to automatic, the width changes to cover all the remaining space. Could you please fix that

@zainulhassan Recently Facing this Issue with this Extension.
attempt to invoke vitual method ‘boolean android.content.Intent.migrateExtraStreamToClipData(android.content.Context)’ on a null object reference
blocks (45)

How to stop or clear the overlap?
Actually I want to use it for Custom Progress overlapping an arrangement which will stop once data is loaded.

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

Hello dear, is there any way to overlap component to a specific position or current position without using top, bottom, right, left etc those default blocks?

Please help me…

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Yes you can do this by Animation utils block

Thank you very much for preparing the extension.

I wonder if you can add a new block to this extension to separate the components combined with Relative View Extension?
