Reporting is now available at My Kodular!

You can now check your Google Ad Manager revenue directly from My Kodular!

You will be able to select a date range, filter which countries you want to get data from, and the ad formats.
A graph will help you visualize your revenue, impressions, eCPM and CTR. And you will also have a fancy table with detailed data for each date!

Go to to start using it.


By the way, now that reporting is available, we will proceed with the next step of the integration. We will open today a new form so existing Google Ad Manager users can recommend other users to gain access.
Existing @ad-manager accounts will be able to give access to other users.


Please note that the eCPM graph you see is a calculated average of eCPMs from the filters you have applied (date, country, and ad format). The eCPM column in the table shows values as received from Google. The two values will vary, and this is nothing to be concerned about.

I would recommend viewing eCPM by app, which is by far the most accurate and insightful metric


we have to add that ads.txt code which is provided by kodular only… or we have to also add our ads.txt code which is provided by admob?

You MUST add our own line as stated here:

Then you can add other lines if you want, but our line is mandatory.

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hi i am submit my other account plz add

Google only allows one account per user. If they detect you are using multiple accounts, all of your accounts will be at risk of a permanent suspension.

hi i am published my app play store and kodular account gmail [email protected]
and Ad manger account gmail [email protected] now how to monetize ad manger [email protected] this account

You must close [email protected] Google Ad Manager account and request to open [email protected]

but i am use my website and my AdSense account Contacted Google Ad Manager account what can i do now ?
Do you have any system to use kodular other account same Google Ad Manager account

As said multiple times, accounts must have the same email address, else it is impossible to link data. I’ll PM you to ask further details and see how we can resolve it.

But I have a problem, google ad manager don’t approved my account. Can you please send me invitation link into my another email.

ProDev Ltd.

Apps Developer Team.

Kindly include the summary for each data. Example, the total revenue and clicks for a selected period of time, the average eCPM and CTR. Also, when sorted and compared, data from APP is not equal to the data by DATE, and so on.

I know the reporting is not final, I would love to see more improvements, accuracy as well as the ability to apply floor prices. Thank you.

PS. And please add more details to the graph, kindly auto show the numbers, so the comparison of each day will be easier just by looking at the graph.


Hello, as I experienced. Is the eCPM graph measured / calculated properly. It seems like it adds up eCPM of every country and showing a whole new wrong value.

The eCPM average eCPM value is $61.70 in my case ( incorrect ).

$7.19 for US, $3.25 for UK. As I noticed by selecting countries, It adds them and shows them instead of calculating the value. ( I assume that it should be divided by x countries to get the average value. Showing 10.44 instead of 5.22 )

Also, my average daily eCPM value is like around $0.25 and the graph value is incorrect. I hope you’ll fix this issue.

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