Reverse list not working

I would like to say sorry , because my english is not good. Please try to understand.

I have created app which can be used to download extension ( like deephost ) .

I set reverse list block in column , it is working but when i use reverse list in cell i got a error message.
Is there any way to fix that error . This is my block . i can’t remove reverse list because it must be use there. Please help me. Thanks in advance

Maybe the value you get is not a list. Check with is a list? block.

I am getting value from a different cell.
This is my blocks from beginning.!

So you are NOT getting a list. You are calling to get a cell.
What do you exactly want your output to be?

I want to get cell data and display them in reverse

Remove reverse block.
Make the order you want here

I make column data in reverse because when i add data in my airtable base , new data come first , but when i click in cardview , i am getting data from another cell . suppose i click in first cardview then i got data from last cardview. This is my problem

Jusy add sort by time in airtable :wink:
Problm will get end even without reverse list block

How to do that i am not getting that option in airtable ? I only get option to sort in acending and decending order .

Ok above your coulms you will find an option with name “sort by”
Now you have to create a coulm of date so that every record should have its date of entrance
Now add sort by date column
Your problm will get solved
And mark it as solution :wink:

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I will mark it as a solution but I didn’t find

do you have any images?

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I said create a new column at right side and s
Set it as date formate then set sort by to sort by date column
Sory but at this time i have no images

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I did it , Thank you for helping me,

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U r welcom
Keep doing good work​:+1:

hope your blessing will work on me​:grin:

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Did this extension belongs to you then no problem else you have permission from developers to show her extension on your app and you can’t monetize this type of app

I have not use any extension , i made this using dynamic cardview. I didn’t made it for monitization. I am learning to make app on kodular platform .

The extension you are showing to download or this is just dummy data

This is dummy , actually i used kodular download component. I don’t know how to set file name so i add "random integer " in filename :grin::grin::grin:. Is there any way to get file name ?

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