Run Java Code in Kodular

Can i run a external Java code in kodular or any extension available ? Is it possible?please help​:pray::pray::pray: ( Sorry my English is bad​:slightly_smiling_face:)


No, you can’t.

You can develop an extension using your code and use it in Kodular.

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Very sad :pleading_face::pleading_face::pleading_face::pleading_face::pleading_face::sob::sob::sob:

Why not you develop your app in Android Studio, so that you can use any Java code there.

As Kodular is drag and drop platform, it can’t run java code directly.

You can make it as an extension :wink:

Because I don’t know java language :tired_face:

If you don’t know java why do you want to run java?

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I have one code in java

Then hire someone to make an extension of it.

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can you post it!, there maybe alternatives for your code.


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