Hi all,
what I´m looking for is a way to hide or make totally transparent the Volume System Bar, so when vol. up is press, the bar will not show on screen.
For what I´ve asked ChatGPT, it gives me this answer which I have tried without success:
- It says create a .java file with a specific code and save in assets of the app. Example “HideSystemUIActivity.java”
- Use Activity Starter. Configure “Package” with app package name, and “Class” with package name + name of the java file (example: “com.myapp.test.HideSystemUIActivity”)
With this method when I open the app it says: “Error 601: no corresponding activity was found”.
Then I tried executing the javascript with the WebView Javascript evaluate block. Not working neither.
Any other ideas if it´s possible, or there is no way in Kodular for that?