Run time error - Call to 'gnu.expr.ModuleMethod has too many arguments

I found the same topic in Community but I couldn’t sort out this issue.

My worked perfectly. Today have added some blocks to otp textbox. After that I am facing this problem. So I reinstalled my previous compiled apk. This apk also showing same error but it worked perfectly yesterday. I don’t know what happened.

Please help me to solve this error. Waiting for you all suggestions.

Can you please share your blocks?

I have more than 8000 blocks . What should I do?

Share your

Blocks at least, as you said, this error happened after you added some more blocks there, also , what extensions are you using?

I have used taifun textbox extension only this time. But I already used that in other functions in same screen.

i have 6 textboxes for otp
first one

last one

Kodular text box has already an input type property, and a text changed event, you don’t need to use extensions for this :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yes, I disabled all the new blocks and complied the apk. Same error

I believe the problem is in your procedures


Thank God… I found the issue. i have used 2 taifun textbox components. after deleted the component i didnt receive any error.

thanks all to spend sometime for me.


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