Runtime Error : Given String is Empty or Null (Google Auth)

I found a bug in Kodular, I think Kodular should fix it soon. This bug appeared when I used the Google Authentication code block

try sign in successful or failed. also use apk and dont try in companion mode

what you say is correct, to be able to use Google authentication it cannot be used in companion mode, but have you tried it and it doesn’t work in apk mode either?

Friend, have you uploaded google json file or google sign in method ia enabled in your firebase and check whether properly your app is configured in firebase sometimes app is not correctly configured like app package name is changed or SHA1 certificate is not correctly configured kindly check this all. I am sure it will then run smoothly

I have tried to fix it slowly and looked at several references from other sources, problems that arise when I use the SIGNIN code block, logically if there is an error in SHA1 or something like that of course everything will not work. but when I use the SIGNUP code block it works normally.

No, only Google SignIn will not work if SHA1 is missing or incorrect.

I got same problem, the sign in work, but not with the logout.
you must enabled Google sign-in method in firebase auth.

Simply delete keystore for the project in kodular and export the project as apk then there will be a new keystore use the keystore SHA1 in firebase
boom Problem fixed
thats all.