Runtime error. How to fix it?

This error display in some devices, please help me I want to know possible reason and solution.

I believe error is caused by ads. See related search :mag:


May be you can give extra information now this problem is for all my app that i have put ads on them give the same error when i install in different phone from my phone and all of them are in playstore and was run well but now they states the same error asabove

Any one with same problem or having answer to this

Hello i think this now is the bug of kodular apps. Look what i have try and the same error happening.

I have design to test app Ads loading like this


The result is

Any one with the same issue or just me?

(post deleted)

This error start from my exited 5 projects that was doing fine than i decided to make above project to test ads loading that the same error happening

May be problem with listener, not sure…

Editing in XML file will resolve i hope, let we wait for reply from our extension developers…

how to edit XML because all projects loose users everyday because of that error now month has past and the error still there.

This error is caused due to the missing play-services-tasks library that is required to use the component. However, this library is available in the Push Notification component. Drag the Push Notification component in your app and try the APK once. It should work as it will insert the Task Service library to your app.


Thanks it work

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