Runtime Error on Removing item from list

Did you code these blocks and the blocks from your other app by yourself or did you copy just from an aia of someone else? I am a little bit confused, because you are a member for 3 years and I believe you should really know the procedures of error and bug hunting. You got several times the hint that one of your 2 lists must be empty or in a wrong format, and that is definetly the reason for your error. Did you ever test your remove procedure seperately from your other blocks just to test if you are able to remove an item from your two lists?
Maybe it would help if someone is willing to take a look at your aia per PM before this thread gets endless.

@Django_s_Android_App i didnt copy code from anyone i copied the code from my own app i created before,but that was working fine with one firebase but here it needed 2 firebase but was confused why as i have shown before with my blocks and images that both the list has data…still showing error

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