Rush • A new and improved way of building extensions

Yes you are right, but my main purpose for asking AAR support is for layout files too. Like some material component use

It must be implemented in AI2 before then rush can implement this.

How can you say only for R.txt? Better to use library src files instead of generating them by Android studio. Even by using sources you can edit them according to you.

If AAR support comes then it’s not necessary that you can make material components. Because some(Almost all) material components need theme to be defined in manifest file that’s not possible in an extension.

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Yes you are right but i just gave example

Error parsing command line: While parsing option --input F:\newRush\rush\bin\m\deps\MyLibrary-1.0.4.jar: F:\newRush\rush\bin\m\deps\MyLibrary-1.0.4.jar is not a valid path: it does not exist.

Please be a bit more specific and paste the complete build log here.

Build failed because of soo many source files?

│ info Picked 980 source files
└ failed

• Build failed [108ms] []

Just out of curiosity, how did you end up with so many source files for an extension?!

Copying out soo many files because jars don’t work :laughing:

Wdym? JARs should work!

No, I mean I could not find the jar files corrctly and most of them throw error, well there is no fault of rush here for Jars. :sweat_smile:


Edit: so, why is the compile error

is not 980 too much files? @Xoma

No one can help you if you’re not gonna explain why you couldn’t find the dependencies and why most of them throw errors. Your language is also a little not so understandable because of the “well there is no fault of rush here for Jars.” Be more clear and concise, and you can probably fix the issue. But @Shreyash needs to know what you did up until the point of building your extension.

He already gave me a solution in the PM.
Waiting to try it, but there are some problems.

What do you mean by “explain why you couldn’t find the dependencies”?
I am having some problems compiling them, I have already said ‘most of them throw error’ Did not you read it?

Almost everyone except you knows what I mean (most of them), I also just don’t want to reveal what is not working.
You just keep writing long sentences. Which could be explained in a few words.

No-fault of rush means, while adding the Jars, it was not a problem of Rush, you understand now?
I am talking about that compile error (unrelated to the functionality of adding Jars).

@Shreyash it seems that you must also enable desugaring even when using Kotlin (if you use things like…

return if(true){/** do things **/ "Hello world!"} else {/** do things **/ ""}

… In a PM you told me it only had to be enabled with Java?

No, I don’t think so.

Hmm? I don’t remember I ever had a PM w/ you where I said this. Anyways, just to make this clear, desuagring is only needed if your extension and/or one or more of its dependencies use Java 8 language features mentioned here. It doesn’t matter which language you’re using.

? language


Im sorry, how to choose kotlin language how to do it ?

It literally tells you to use the up and down arrows on your keyboard…

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ok thanks :joy:

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:sparkles: Rush v1.2.2

This minor release fixes some crucial bugs and introduces a couple of improvements.

Improvements :triangular_ruler:

  • Development dependencies are now centralized for all Rush projects. This makes Rush more disk efficient by not copying the dev-deps folder for every extension project.

  • Creating a new extension will now fail if a directory with the same name already exists in the current working directory.

Bug fixes :beetle:

  • Fixed the issue that caused Rush to crash because of stack overflow while parsing @SimpleProperty annotations. [ref]

  • Fixed the issue where Rush won’t be able to compile too many source files. [ref]

  • Fixed the issue where the compilation would fail if the extension source file didn’t define any block annotations.

Internal changes :bulb:

  • Migrated the annotations, processor, and migrator modules in the Rush annotation processor repo to Kotlin.

Installation :hammer_and_wrench:

To upgrade to v1.2.2 from v1.2.1, simply run rush upgrade. If you are on any other version, you will need to reinstall Rush.

To install Rush, follow the installation instructions in the first post:



Thats the unique one :heart:
Thanks for the update