Rush • A new and improved way of building extensions

Some of the imported library issue remains in IDE for old rush project even after changing project structure

Oh, I missed it. Will release a hotfix soon.

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Waiting :relieved:

:sparkles: Rush v1.2.3 [HOTFIX]

A small bug managed to sneak into v1.2.2. This release fixes it. :no_entry_sign:

Bug fixes :beetle:

  • Fixed the issue where IntelliJ IDEA (or any other IDE based on it) would fail to index dev dependencies, resulting in red squigglies everywhere. [ref]

Installation :hammer_and_wrench:

To upgrade to v1.2.3, simply run rush upgrade.

To install Rush, follow the installation instructions in the first post:



Still have same issue… idk why?

Make sure you rebuild the extension for the changes to take effect.

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when i view simple function class using intellij.
Then i get this

i think i have to update kotlin compiler

Try performing a forced upgrade using rush upgrade --force.

Fyi, Rush uses version 1.5.10 of the Kotlin compiler.


Its fixed now as i’ve installed kotlin compiler


I am trying to build extension. it is showing this. why?

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I have the same. No error or anything still fails. :frowning:

It seems you are on linux too. It might be an issue with linux. Hope we will get the answer soon.

I have installed

openjdk version “1.8.0_292”
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_292-8u292-b10-0ubuntu1~20.04-b10)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.292-b10, mixed mode)

Such abrupt failure of the build usually happens when Rush fails to invoke the Java compiler (javac). There could be many reasons behind this, but the two I can currently think of are:

  1. You don’t have JDK (Java Development Kit) installed, or
  2. javac is not on the system path variable; quite unusual, but may happen.

Can both of you try running javac in the terminal? If you get an error saying command/program not found, you might need to install JDK 8, or add javac to your system’s path variable.

PS: @72erdelyi, you seem to have JDK installed on your computer. It might be that javac is not your system’s path var.


Command ‘javac’ not found here

I have fixed it here. Thanks a lot

installed sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk-headless


@Shreyash One question, is it possible to use the “helpUrl” ? If the answer is no, is it possible to add it ?

The helpUrl property has been replaced with homepage field in rush.yml. This is how you define it:

homepage: ''

I can successfully build the AIX file and import and use in Kodular. Once i try to run the application i receive the following error:
Also i cant build the APK file from Kodular because of an error in my application.

My blogs about this application is very simple and includes only dummy data:
blocks (1)

And this is the code i compiled using Rush:

I really can’t figure out what i am doing wrong…
This happens no mether what method i’m trying to execute.

Can you try hard resetting your companion? Also, make sure you are using the latest version of the companion.

What is that error?

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This is the complier error (when i try to compile the application and download APK):
ERROR: io/kodular/markocurlinoski_uie/ExtensionTester/Screen1.yail line 28: caught exception in inliner for # - java.lang.RuntimeException: no such class: io.mchurlinoski.jsonpathext.JsonPathExt

And the error I’m getting from the UI, when i try to run the application on companion is: