SAF: App Inventor implementation of Storage Access Framework

Hiii can any one tell me that which component i have to use to open pdf file from storage …i am confused that which component have to use

How to get 1 Folder permission in android 11? I need permission of


Can you tell me how you get access of other app private folder? I need to learn it Badly. My app is not working in Android 11 for this

Did you check the examples given above?
Also, show what you have tried.

11 posts were merged into an existing topic: Specific folder permission Android 11

Can this read all types of files size such as mp3, mp4, pdf, etc also can it extract image thumbnails of mp4 and mp3 too?

Sorry I need any of extension which can fulfill my desire kindly provide one

hello can you upload an example of how we can copy a file from a directory to another.??

Here is an example:

but it is only for text/* files.


I want to copy files with this block so how I can do this. please make a post


i want to copy files from aseets to android data folder in android 11, so how can i do this…?

Which /Android/data/ folder ?

You should use either TaifunFile or FileTools.

There is no way (and no extension) to copy / move / save a file in /Android/data/ (outside of the ASD).

Even not with MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>

I am facing some problem with this SAF thing.
My end goal is to read a pdf from Documents folder and upload it to Firebase Storage. The problem I am facing is after picking the file from Documents folder and coverting its URI to path to upload it to Firebase Storage as it accepts File Paths only. I got path as /sdcard/… which is prompted as No such file or directory while uploading to Firebase Storage.

can anyone please reply my question


I want to copy files with this block so how I can do this. please make a post

Why do you think so? Probably because you didn’t read complete post.

How did you convert uri to path? Try using PathFromUri method of FileTools extension.

Yes I am using PathFromUri from your FileTools extension but getting same thing i.e, /sdcard/ and google storage prompts no such file found

Because the URI is accessible to your app and not the path.
I believe you can access files from shared directories after getting read access.