Save login data with active rules

I use these rules, it works normally if I already have an account registered.
if I create an account with these rules active, I can’t store the data.
use this click to save the data. it generates the user’s UID.

I use this one to save the data, but by my rules it needs to be authenticated to save and I don’t know how to solve this part.

remembering that if you leave the rules “TRUE” they work normally in this logic.

Try with this rule and check up


unfortunately it is showing this error

Under usuarios you are using user id na so better add $uid and then try the above rules




I tried this way but it doesn’t record the first data on login, and has difficulty reading data on other screens.

I chose to save the data in tdb and open another complete registration screen to pull the authentication and be able to record in firebase (I couldn’t do this on the same login screen)

I used the clock to automatically save when I open the screen.

it would be better all on the same screen, but unfortunately I couldn’t get it to work.

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Don’t use $uid if u use kodular then add $user_id in firebase