Saving multiple notifier checkboxes input in Google Sheets

I have some check- and textboxes set up as an sort of form on a screen.
When I fill in the form I click on a button (save to list) to save the input in a list.
After making multiple inputs that is saved with the button (saved to list), I click on a button to show all the inputs in a checkbox notifier.

I then select the inputs (checkboxes in notifier) which I want to save under one name (tinydb).

I have this already working with tinydb, but I don’t know how to get this working with google sheets.
I followed the tutorial from Taifun: App Inventor Tutorials and Examples: Google Spreadsheet Database | Pura Vida Apps to get started with Google sheets. I can make single inputs in Google sheets, delete multiple inputs and get inputs.

Can someone help me with this?

You wanna to store multiple values in gsheet correct?

Yes, on row 1 (A1 to P1) I have my columns set up like timestamp, name date, indexnumber, action, etc

So in example: When I save multiple inputs I want it to save it like this in gsheets.

Every selected checkbox from notifier should be saved on row 2, 3, 4 etc.

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This part I already got working using Taifun’s tutorial.

I want to save email/message multiple times under one name in gsheets.
So in gsheets I want on row 2 the first input: name, email, message
On row 3 the second input: email, message
On row 4 the third input: email, message

Then for a new user again I want to save email/message under another name in gsheets.
So row 5 is: another name, email, message
Row 6 is: email, message


Is there someone who could help me with this?

Show your notifier lists,we will give you blocks

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pls try this…

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Thank you for the guidance and time to make me understand this. I got it working thanks to you!

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