I have some check- and textboxes set up as an sort of form on a screen.
When I fill in the form I click on a button (save to list) to save the input in a list.
After making multiple inputs that is saved with the button (saved to list), I click on a button to show all the inputs in a checkbox notifier.
I then select the inputs (checkboxes in notifier) which I want to save under one name (tinydb).
I have this already working with tinydb, but I don’t know how to get this working with google sheets.
I followed the tutorial from Taifun: App Inventor Tutorials and Examples: Google Spreadsheet Database | Pura Vida Apps to get started with Google sheets. I can make single inputs in Google sheets, delete multiple inputs and get inputs.
This part I already got working using Taifun’s tutorial.
I want to save email/message multiple times under one name in gsheets.
So in gsheets I want on row 2 the first input: name, email, message
On row 3 the second input: email, message
On row 4 the third input: email, message
Then for a new user again I want to save email/message under another name in gsheets.
So row 5 is: another name, email, message
Row 6 is: email, message