Saving project issues

I have seen similar posts like this. While saving a project it always say that project is saved, whether or not it is actually saved. It can also take some time to save project after it say that project is saved. (I know sometimes it is due to bad internet connection)

So instead showing project is saved, it should first check that if that project is actually saved or not. Maybe it is doing this, but not always because lot of the time it doesn’t save anything and we lost our work.

Is there any other way to make sure that project is saved or not?
What I am doing right now is first saving the project and open kodular creator in another tab. Then open that project and check if everything is saved or not.

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You can use “Save project as” to create a copy of your existing project, and delete old one. This is the only way to be sure that project is saved.

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I have been working with App Inventor, Thunkable, AB, Kodular etc. for many years and have never used these save options, but always only “Export selected project … to my computer” and these versions have been renamed accordingly to: project_v1.aia, _v2.aia, _v3.aia, …

I’ve never had any problems with this procedure and have this way always ensured that I saved the latest version.

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