Scrollable vertical arrangement and Floating Button

Hi guys

I need your help.
Hi guys

I need your help.

I have an application that uses the collintreelistview extension where the list will be a scrollable vertical organization. So far, so good!
But I want that when I touch (scroll) the list down, the floating button is invisible and when I touch (scroll) in the list above, the floating button is visible.

Follow my blocks where I tried to do but without success.



As per my knowledge Touch and scroll are different, so if you are considering them same you are wrong.
You can use scroll handlers and when scroll down to particular position then set the FAB to visible and vise versa.

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As @themaayur said, you can use ColinTree scroll handler extension(in your case the vertical scroll handler) , particularly ScrollChange event block

Under this event put the FAB visible/invisible block.


Thanks for the help.
I’ll try, if it works I put it here.

I’m a little lost (in fact quite lost) in assembling the blocks … Could you help?

I tried that … but I don’t think so … lol

Can you tell the meaning of marked blocks below?

I honestly don’t know either… :sweat_smile:

I would like your help to correctly assemble the blocks. Please!


If we don’t know what that block means then how can someone help you.

And it’s also not in English so It’s totally blank on my side.

I use the colintreelistview extension for a list of data, which is stored in the “LeituraLivre” variable. I used it to call that list.

Can you PM me a sample aia? As It would be hard to construct the project from scratch which would start from importing extensions, component and other blocks


Okay, yes, I do.
But I thank you for your help.