Search option in list picker... Help

Unable to search data in the list picker.

Can someone help. For reference attaching screen shot.

What I need is when I type any word / number the list containing that word / number anywhere in that particular field it should be displayed.

Plz help…

Are you using Kodular?

Yes. Using kodular

It seems you have tried something. If you want help you will also have to post your blocks. If you haven’t tried anything please search the community first.

Search the community then created the topic.
Here is the image of blocks.

Use ListView instead

Not working

Tried ListVie?. It works I’ve used it many times. Show us what have you done so far.

Working now but the cursor and underline in pink colour (Ascent) is at wrong height… In list picker it was proper…
Also data is reflecting wrong…

Can anyone help…

I think we have to place the same at when screen1 initialize.

Correct me if I am wrong…