Search the sheets for an item and add values from a column

how could I do a search for the fleet and return me with all the names
total km overall

fetch 70653A
sum F
sum G
brings all the drivers who worked in this fleet


I do not have this sheet link.


Did you try the above method? di you chnage this sheet details with the above query link?


you already passed me a little, I completed it with more research, but now I am not able to include the names of the drivers along with the research


this and another spreadsheet together

I search for the fleet




is there such word anywhere in the sheet?

But remember

If you are grouping the col C then you cannot use to get anyother colum like
Select B, C, SUm(F), sum(G) where C= 'kjjks" group by C (withdrawn the statement)


but you can use group the col B , like this pls click the link below


Select B, C, sum(F), sum(G), Count(C) where C=‘JPG-5052A’ group by B,C

Query 2

Select B, C, sum(F), sum(G), Count(C) where C=‘KUY-8680A’ group by B,C


Is this what you are expecting?

not so well friend
we have column C
I’m looking for KUY 8680A
pops up

Sum of column G referring to KUY 8680A in the amount of 100
I managed to understand myself

You have asked these and have provided. Don’t know still what you are looking.

Show in example actually what you are looking for better understanding

For 8680A you have added another col value at the end of sheet that’s why that value also added and showing extra value. In gviz you cannot set range for query but it is possible within in the ghseet

OK friend

so friend
I search for the fleet in green
KUY 8086A
brings me all the names that used this fleet plus the sum that is in red.

better now


I look for a KUY-8680A plate, it brings me names and the sum of km


friend with you in excel the formula
but when switching to the programming line, it does not execute

see below

=query(A2:M9;“Select C, sum(G) where C = '”&C13&"’ group by C")

=query(A1:J13;“Select B Where C= '”&B15&"’")

I don’t think this is possible if you want sum then you must use group but you are telling I don’t want group so it is harder

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