Hello, I am working with a JSON that returns the values all together without separations. Example: “Value one Value two Value three”
So I want to know if it is possible to separate the text when a part of the text starts in uppercase.
Hello, I am working with a JSON that returns the values all together without separations. Example: “Value one Value two Value three”
So I want to know if it is possible to separate the text when a part of the text starts in uppercase.
No, the original value it returns to me is like this: Opuntia microdays Echinopsis zucc Mammillaria elongata…
Thanks, now in a while I’ll try it and let you know
I tried it but it is not what I am looking for, the result returns only the words that start with a capital letter and eliminates those that begin with a lowercase. What I want is to be able to add separators in the text (/, list) every time a part starts in uppercase. Ex: Opuntia microdays, Echinopsis zucc, Mammillaria elongata or Opuntia microdays / Echinopsis zucc / Mammillaria elongata or in list
Did you try to change space for / and then change the bars that are in the 1,3,5,7,9 position for spaces again?
It’s a very good idea, but I don’t know how many species of plants you can give me back. So I don’t know how many spaces there can be. I also don’t know if the plant species that the Json returns have two words
Post exactly how your json response look
Try something like this:
(of course set the list caps to all the capital letters of the alphabet, and I realise that not all your plants will start with “V” )
Now I look at it and tell you
What is the “contains any” block. Thought it was this:
but this block won’t let me harass you with the if
Thanks for the help! just as you said, it returns the result like this:
but it gets messy, I have to change to make it look like this Opuntia microdays / Echinopsis zucc / Mammillaria elongata. in order
Thanks again!!
Oh, you do not have that extended really useful block in Kodular. Best to try the method by @dora_paz
Is there any way to replace this block?
The json returns it like this:
“results”: [
“score”: 99.52006530761719,
“species”: {
“scientificNameWithoutAuthor”: “Hibiscus rosa-sinensis”,
“scientificNameAuthorship”: “L.”,
“genus”: {
“scientificNameWithoutAuthor”: “Hibiscus”,
“scientificNameAuthorship”: “L.”
“family”: {
“scientificNameWithoutAuthor”: “Malvaceae”,
“scientificNameAuthorship”: “Juss.”
“commonNames”: [
“Chinese hibiscus”,
“Hawaiian hibiscus”,
But when the photo matches more than one species, it returns them as shown in the photo