server error could not copy screen .plz try again
do not copy one screen to another screen
i have aia file upload other project which create kodular same platform id
plz help
Try with another browser
i think your network is slow
try page reload
Are you copying Screen1? If yes then, you can’t copy Screen1
No, you’re wrong. You can copy Screen1 also
how come?? Screen 1 has all the required properties that control the whole app like app version, splash screen…and so on… so if we copy Screen1 those properties will also be copied and will replicate like Screen1 so technically we can’t have the same properties repeated
No, Few days I copied Screen1 successfully
Are you sure as i have faced this error whenever i tried to copy it…Anyways let the OP reply whether he’s using Screen1 or not …if he’s not then we went offtopic
Yeah man, I’m sure