Server error could not save one or more files try again

I have a previous project today I have made some changes in my project and less than previous size 2206 kb to 1026 kb but showing this Server error. I search in the community but I can’t find the solution.


I think you need to ignore it.That always happen to me when my connection is week.But don’t forget to save and backup your aia as ( as the error says ) it can’t save right now.

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I face this problem still today morning. I think Net Speed is good now.

Okay so save and refresh the page.
Also do you put many text in a label or any component ?There is a limitations in the text that you can put in a label or any component else.

I load Many HTML file In web viewer.

that also may be a reason.You have many assets?

I made less the file size.

Can you post a screenshot of your assests.How much files you have right now?

17 Image and 634kb Size.

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Okay.What about this:

Those you’re loading in text string right?And not from your assets?

How much text limitations?

I don’t know exactly but its not a big limitation. Don’t put large text in a label, text string block,etc…For example how much the html text you are loading in the web viewer? If its large, Its preferable to load from the assets.See here an example:

Thanks @Mohamed_Tamer

The problem is It’s Not Safe.

At least can you answer my question.What is the length of your html String?

I have 18 lessons. Average 300 line code and 20000 letters.

that’s really large.You must find another way to view.Just for test.Remove the text strings and try.

20604 letter = 34.51 KB*18 = 621.18 kb I thing it’s Small.

Try this: :upside_down_face: if it works so that is the problem

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If I Disable the text block, then it works. Question is! If I Use join block for separate many blocks can it work?

So this is the problem

Maybe.But that will make your blocks very big!!The best solution is to store in the assets.I think that isn’t a dangerous solution.

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