Set remaining chars in new label

I want to allow only 50 characters in a text label and remaining characters I want to show in a new label. How can I do this? For example if I set a label text as “Makeroid” then only it should cover 5 characters “Maker” and rest of the letters “oid” I want to show in a new label. I can manually do that but I want to make the app detect it by own if the characters are more than 50, then the remaining characters will be set in a new label

Try using the length block. :wink:

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Thank you! Can you also tell me how can I set custom space in pixels in a label between 2 lines?

For example:
This is label1
This is label1

This is a single label but the text is in the new line. I want to add some space between the two lines (in pixels)
I tried using \n but it created very big space.

Use the text block split at and then set the text of second label to list index as 2 of first text

Unfortunately, @Hack_Trix, you can’t set line spacing in pixels ( I don’t remember if you can do it with HTML ).

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