Should I Include Kodular In Privacy Policy?

As Kodular collects analytical data and crashlytics.
Should I include Kodular’s data collection in Privacy Policy as a third party service?

Whoah, that’s not a question I thought of… I just published an app to GPlay and wrote a no-collection-Policy. Maybe I should also include the one from Kodular? Let’s wait until a Dev joins here. :thinking:



Maybe Yess bcoz Kodular use analytics in apps

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Not needed!

You can include services which you are using in your app and which collects data from app like:

  1. Firebase Authentication
  2. Firebase Crashlytics
  3. …Ad Network ( Fb, Admob whatever )

As Kodular uses Firebase Crashlytics service to collect app crashes data, so you can directly mention Firebase Crashlytics in your app privacy policy.

But, if you want to show some love :heavy_heart_exclamation: about Kodular then you can mention it :sweat_smile::heart_eyes:


No we don’t, crashlytics was removed months ago.


What if an app made with Kodular never intends with user privacy (from developer side)
So I want to know what services Kodular use in apps
Please give a list of services that Kodular uses

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The. what does Kodular use ?