As Kodular collects analytical data and crashlytics.
Should I include Kodular’s data collection in Privacy Policy as a third party service?
Whoah, that’s not a question I thought of… I just published an app to GPlay and wrote a no-collection-Policy. Maybe I should also include the one from Kodular? Let’s wait until a Dev joins here.
Maybe Yess bcoz Kodular use analytics in apps
Not needed!
You can include services which you are using in your app and which collects data from app like:
- Firebase Authentication
- Firebase Crashlytics
- …Ad Network ( Fb, Admob whatever )
As Kodular uses Firebase Crashlytics service to collect app crashes data, so you can directly mention Firebase Crashlytics in your app privacy policy.
But, if you want to show some love about Kodular then you can mention it
No we don’t, crashlytics was removed months ago.
What if an app made with Kodular never intends with user privacy (from developer side)
So I want to know what services Kodular use in apps
Please give a list of services that Kodular uses
The. what does Kodular use ?