I have integrated onesignal in kodular and notification are received successfully in the phone.
I want to show the same Push Notification in the app. That is when user clicks on the notification the app should be launched with the notification text in front of the user.
I would be grateful if someone please help me in this.
Thanks. Would be thankful if you guide me on this. What I gathered that I can show notifications inside app by using ListView. But do not know how push will be integrated with the ListView.
Many thanks. I am totally new in kodular. Really do not know how to do that. Is there any video related to this. Sorry for asking very beginner and stupid thing from you. But many thanks.
Is it possible that I send you the APK created from Kodular and your add that view. I would be very thankful. Note: Both text and image notifications should be displayed in the app.
It’s not possible for now as I’m very busy because I’ve to develop app from user side to store the notification in the firebase DB. Hope you understand.
We community members will definitely help you with the blocks. Just try to build it and whenever you’ll get error, you can ask here.