Showing "time ago" by fetching uploaded date/time

store format is also wrong,

it should be mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm
and your is wrong, it should be 12/11/2019 23:12

blocks - 2019-12-11T095051.651

If i use call clock now block to store time it will be ok?

yes if you are storing from device, like if you are posting now and save time of now, just use clock now and its will save time, then after getting no need to use make instant block, direct compare.

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It was working​:grinning:


Anyway to store time & date automatically on this format??plz help me again

yes just use clock now. it will same in whole format(everything needed) and then can be used direct without make instant block. direct put value to epoch.

component_method (10)

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But i did it already

Ok i will cheak it.

how you are using to compare?

How can i use it with Firebase?

simple, store it in firebase, get it, compare it, show it.

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my app is using list view

for every item you want to show as time, compare stored(clock now will be stored for that) time.

i already have item to be showed by Firebase db…how can i put time ago beside the item

I am storing time with call clock now in airtable. & using procedure to compare.

isnt that working?

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Yeah working well

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I am trying store time with this block.but time was showing wrong

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