Sidebar extension

I want to create left right swipe sidebar.(example image attached).

I tried using deephost extension but it is producing error. (Screenshot of error attached).
I observed that his extension produces error when we add some more content to our screen (Like. Fetching data from spreadsheet and changing the text values)

A thick horizontal line appears at the top.

This extension works good if using some less codes.

I doubly checked there is nothing wrong with my blocks. After removing his sidebar extension error rectifies.

Please help me !!

We have a lot of users having trouble with deephost extensions and he is not responding to any questions. Advise: don’t use his extensions.


Actually he’s answers just by email, but not always, just sometimes.

Sorry I don’t have it so I can’t troubleshoot it either

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don’t spread the extension this way. This is not how the developer wants to spread it.

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Can anyone help?

Any other extension? Works same? Or can anyone develop it?

Just use the side menu component on kodular, it works well.


Do what @DevYB says and you’ll actually be fine.

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It works only when your status bar visible to false all the time and navigation bar is visible all the time, then it works fine.

yeah! you are right

i will agree with you