Simple Calculator Extension [FREE]

Hello Kodular Community,

I am excited to share a simple calculator extension that can be used without relying on external libraries. This extension allows you to evaluate mathematical expressions such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division without having to import additional libraries.

Key Features:

  • Execute simple mathematical operations using function blocks.
  • Trigger events when operations are successfully executed.
  • Trigger events when an error occurs during execution.

How to Use:

  1. Add the extension to your Kodular project.
  2. Use the ExecuteOperation function block to evaluate mathematical expressions.
  3. Respond to operation results through the OnOperationResult and OnOperationError events.

Example Usage:

I hope this extension proves useful to the community. Feel free to provide feedback or suggestions for improvement. Thank you!

com.rasitech.calculator.aix (6.8 KB)