the slider component lack of increment menu properties, so we can set the increment of the bar
and the increment should between the min and max value of slider
I dont understand what you mean
the slider interface
when you slide it will increment int 0,1
i want to change its increment to 1 or 2, as long it doesn’t exceed the max value of the increment
such as in the slider i set the min value to 0, max value to 10, and i want to slide it on increment of 1 instead of 0,1
@mika maybe review this again
okay thanks for your suggestion.
that works like magic.
The AI Slider(SeekBar) is set to work between 0-100:
//The boundaries for Seekbar are between 0-100 and there is no lower-limit that could be set. We keep the SeekBar effectively at **[0-100]** and calculate thumb position within that range. seekbar.setMax(100);
private void setSeekbarPosition() { float seekbarPosition = ((thumbPosition - minValue) / (maxValue - minValue)) * 100;
Yes I know and I’m able to change both 0-100 and seekbar.setMax(100) manually to whatever number I want.