Sliding Menu | Recycle View : Fully Customizable Cool UI Menu

Sliding Menu extension

CreateMenuWithDefaultProperty: This block will create menu with default property.
list: list of items
icon: list of icon
menuOpened: if this parameter is true then Menu open automatically when it’s created
backgroundColor: Background color of menu
height: it can adjust the recycle view from Top to Bottom
spaceBetweenEachItem: it will give space between each item index
checkedPosition it will select the item at the given index
textSize: it can adjust the text size in recycle view
middleSpace: it can add just space between image and text in recycle view

CreateMenuWithCustomProperty: This block will create menu with custom property.
list: list of items
icon: list of icon
menuOpened: if this parameter is true then Menu open automatically when it’s created
dragDistance it can adjust the drag distance
menuViewElevation: it can adjust the menu elevation
menuViewScale: value range 0-1
menuViewTranslation: Menu View Y axis Translation DP to PX
backgroundColor: Background color of menu
height: it can adjust the recycle view from Top to Bottom
spaceBetweenEachItem: it will give space between each item index
checkedPosition it will select the item at the given index
textSize: it can adjust the text size in recycle view
middleSpace: it can add a space between image and text in recycle view
scrollingEnabled: true or false

component_method (10)

OpenMenu: it can open menu through the blocks

component_method (9)

CloseMenu: it can close menu through the blocks

component_method (11)

IsOpenMenu: return true or false

component_method (12)

IsCloseMenu: return true or false

component_method (13)

IsMenuLocked: return true or false

component_event (9)

OnMenuDragStart: This block will trigger when the menu drag

component_event (10)

OnItemSelected: This block will trigger when any item has selected in menu

component_event (11)

OnMenuDragEnd: This block will trigger when the menu drag is end
isDrag: return true or false

component_event (12)

OnMenuDrag: direction 0-1

component_event (13)

OnError : This block will trigger when any error occurs

component_set_get (1)

TextTintColor : Text color

component_set_get (2)

SelectedTextTintColor : Selected text color


IconTintColor : Icon color

component_set_get (3)

SelectedIconTintColor : Selected icon color

component_set_get (5)

SetCloseMenu : value true or false

component_set_get (4)

SetOpenMenu : value true or false

component_set_get (6)

SetMenuLocked : value true or false

Demo Blocks




Price: $10


Great work :+1: :kodular:

Thank you @WeMakeBest