Some Feedback for @Kodular

Are the other people who are pointing out you on this post that your behaviour is rude to everyone, are they talking in the air? What kind of proves you want?

I have no interest in messing with you, Argued with some people is waste of time. You try it, follow the things I have said.

The rest is your wish, you will get it as you do. do good have good. cheers!


I don’t think you know what you’re talking about. I’ve never tried to prevent anyone from posting here. It’s you who is saying I should mind my own business, which is ironic as no one was talking to you in the first place.

You’re just wasting my time now. You made an accusation and now you refuse to back it up with evidence. Now everyone can see what you are like. In future let us not talk to each other.

Also posts #7 onwards (including mine) have nothing to do with the original topic. You guys started it by attacking me and going off topic, and now we have just spammed the topic unnecessarily. Hopefully the mods will delete all the spam posts.

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Never expected such a reply from you. It makes me laugh reading your reply man! You’re talking this topic too much personally.

I’m heartily sorry if I’ve said anything irrelevant. If you look back the Kodular’s journey, they have never been respectful to the users. I have bunch of proofs, so better you never ask for it. We (Me and few of other members) already had left bitter moments behind with Kodular). That’s why I told the line.

Please do respect the members. A few of Premium Users are abusing non-premium users from a long (Again, for your kind information, I have proofs). I’m also a victim and you’re also one who disrespected free users, right in this topic. I would like to quote the line below.

What was that mate? That’s nothing but a silly comment, just like Kodular staffs who is good for nothing. The only thing they are good at is putting up excuses.

Conclusion : Was @Gaston said anything wrong? Kodular was, still is and will be the laziest platform to push new mandatory updates. If this is the case, then why should one pay them? And if you ask me to left out the platform, then why should I? Just because I raised voice against the unethical steps taken by Kodular?

There are lot of things to say, but I keep quiet.


As I said before, they are good for nothing! The only thing they are good at is to put up excuses.

See :

Anyway, I’m not interested to interact in this topic anymore as commenting here seems to be wastage of my time.

@deanart2012 Try to respect FREE members. They are the one who make Kodular what it is today.
Have a nice time ahead.


There is an update ready to be released regarding these mandatory changes. We just want to make sure we don’t break anything.


Good idea. And we would also see the amount of solutions he gave here in the community​:+1:


Thanks @Diego for reply :partying_face:

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We are very exciting about the new update.
Hope in getting the update soon.


Thank you. :+1:t2:

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I’m a premium user, my app is waiting for approval since 30th August.

Kindly mention when will the new update came?


Can please tell us the date we are waiting for long time :hourglass:


I bet that this update is not regarding… API 31.

first of all we need Open Bidding to be added in Admanager before Next month. so we can update our apps.

If it’s not then the update may not be much use.

need to be wait 15 mins… process tooks automatically or you do something behind that…

I don’t understand what you mean.

Yet another update to come soon, answered by Staff!

The promise :

I’m hopeless! :roll_eyes:


Fundamentalists of lies and false promises

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