Google ask Api 31

they are ingoring us, we waiting more then month and I wasted one premium membership payment. I am really mad !


Please give us a forecast at least because it doesn’t make sense to pay for not being able to publish the apps…


You still can upload updates for existing apps until November. Only for new apps you need target API 31 and for those you can follow the workaround



Here is a forecast: MIT App Inventor will release the API 31 update soon… then wait a few days more (or weeks depending on the speed of the Kodular team) until it is also available in Kodular


So, We don not have forecast.

Yes and it’s 18 days after you sent this message
And nothing has been done

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Finally @Kodular respond


Can we at least get a time frame?


use this app for api 31 reflection… He made my day to another level… anyone who wants to submit urgent update… simply use this app…
just upload keystore…
upload apk…
buy license which costs $1.5 or ₹100… only one time…
submit request…
and finally get your app or bundle link from status…
Its also works on apps using extension or firebase authentication system…

Thanks @nikzdevz

Kodular is a google partner and they knew perfectly well that everything would stop with the API31 requirement, but if they communicated it, it would delay or not be successful the launch of the premium membership.

As a user of kodular… They haven’t done about api 31 since last year… So how much delay we can expect ? Its going to worthless if we lose our customers… total empire will be fall for such delay…
just not premium membership…
also marketing cost…
user gain…
invested time…
too much things we had lost…

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That’s isn’t our problem.
I have payed for a service that didn’t work.

You need to make an update really soon or I want my money back.

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google play app publish issue solve or not ?

Please stop spamming the forum. You have already asked a question like this before. Search the forum instead of spamming it.

how can i search it ? and this problem is solved or not ?

Use the search facility at the top right (the magnifying glass). Type in what issue you are talking about (presumably API 31) and search. There is a huge topic about it.

Now that AI2 has updated to API 31 perhaps Kodular will follow soon.

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As you can see on MIT inventor 2 the API issue is solved.
Now MIT inventor 2 is now building app with new api level 31.
@Kodular you also need to bring the API 31 from beta to main builder.
Hope in getting about this update soon.

There is already a topic about API 31 and what you stated has already been mentioned in it. In future please search the forum instead of spamming it.

Hi. This is the topic opened a lot of days ago. I dont understand why there is another topic.