API 34 tool : Devzstore


Hey everyone, hope you are fine.
Today I am going to introduce my new app that will solve the problem that many of us facing these days and that’s uploading app on playstore because of api31.
So with devzStore app you can generate api 31 based apk in one click.

Other features -

  • Use XML based layout (later updates)
  • Native library
  • Signed apk with api31
  • Signed aab with api31


As you can see in above video that was so easy to enable api 31 without any boring manual work.
Also don’t be surprised seeing 23mb of generated app that was because of native library used in pdfview extension. When you’ll upload aab the installable app will be of around 8-20mb with pdf view.


How to download ?

You can download app from our official site.

Click to download app

Note - I have used template to create landing page and in some android it have some errors. I am sorry for that. I recommend to use pc for better expierence.


Q. IS that free?
=> No, tool is not free but we have offered affordable plan of 100inr that you have to purchase once only.

Q. Does it add android:exported=true/false respectively to activity, receiver, service, provider etc?
=> Yes, It adds android exported=false to all of your activity, receiver, service, provider etc

Q. What happens to all the apk’s/keystores that are uploaded to your server
=> The apks we askt you to upload for editing is deleted everyday under maintenance of server and storage. Keystore is saved on server and is secures and its important to ask you for keystores because we offer apks/aabs to get signed with your keystores.

If you have any query you may ask me… :heart:


Wow!!.. Thats a good move @nikzdevz… Amazing…

You are reducing some of our headache.

Good work :clap: :clap: :clap:


Thanks @Still-learning for appreciation and we are coming soon with more features

  1. You should mention that it is not free
  2. Does it add android:exported=true/false respectively to activity, receiver, service, provider etc
  3. What happens to all the apk’s/aab’s that are uploaded to your server

ok @Boban i’ll mention these info in first post in some minute

Exlent Good idea

Thanks @Anil_M
Hey @Boban Thanks for providing some FAQs. I have posted all questions you told.
If there is any other question left that will help other please let me know

I have to watch 2 advertising videos of 30s each just to generate the paypal payment link. This made me give up on making the payment

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Todays night and will decrease ads too

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First of all, thanks for your responses.
Here i am releasing version 2 of the app
Click to download

Change Log

  • Keystore Upload bug
  • Less ads
  • Disable ads during payment
  • for Paypal you can pay me manually for now. In later release i’ll surely fix it

having issues with signing aab. saying error signing aab everytime

having issues signing apk as well. uploaded the keystore from kodular. what is the user/pass field for in keystore upload?

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Default details -
Alias - androidKey
Pass - android

plz replyyyyyyyy

what i have to reply??

Check status of you app

having issues signing apk as well… Please help me.

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I am testing all the issue related to signing

How to fix?

I’ll provide quick fix soon