Some info on APK parsing error for new user from Thunkable/AI2

Just sharing my little new experience for “new” users like me. I have both Thunkable and Kodular (it was named Makeroid back then) accounts but I discovered Thunkable first so I use Thunkable a lot more for almost of my published Apps. I come to Kodular on and off just to get & followup on the new development.

Recently, Thunkable is going to totally shut down Thunkable classic so I have go to Kodular and start making my new apps. I did ONE simple mistake and Error shown. I changed the package name to the app name that I thought it was right thing to do. And all my downloaded APK file (either direct to my computer or via QR download) can NOT open with the parsing error.

So I deleted my package name and set it to default and it works fine.

One simple sign for you to know that the APK file is invalid: the downloaded APK file doesn’t has any app icon or Kodular icon!

Thanks for reading.

I am not sure what we can learn from it. So what do you want to tell us?

I just want to let some user know in Thunkable classic we don’t have choice to rename the Package name. But in Kodular rename package name is possible. If we didn’t notice this small function with the correct name format, it will bring problem to our project.
Not everyone knows how to do right about this package name thing, even I searched the Kodular Doc and the community. Hence we do see some post about this file parsing error.

how did you change the name of the package?

Just click on the package name and you can change it.