Some little questions to Kodular

Hi all i want to know some little things and i don’t think that open individual topics for each questions and also i have some suggestions

can i make a extension which can edit manifest file i am thinking for an extension for deep linking and if yes then how because i am beginner in java

This is a complain about community that is i answered many topics correctly and first but they don’t mark my post or someone else’s post as solution you don’t think this is unfair…

My companion is not working correctly i mean when i add a new component or edit designer property the app is crashed it isn’t show any error in PC but in phone it says kodular has stopped it is annoying to connect it again and again

how trust level can be increase in community

who are contributors i mean in badge description it show shows

This badge will be granted when you make a contribution to any of these Kodular repositories: Kodular · GitHub

so how someone can do this

How can make my app more secure i want to add in app purchase in my app but it can easily hack

#7 it is just a suggestion

where is Indian flag before Hindi language


please start a new thread for each of the different questions
thank you


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